Sunday, March 16, 2014

That You Are

Never give people so much important so that they could take a joy ride on your head. There are two kind of people I have found, the one who will tell you everything no matter how much interest you are to hear,and other type won't tell you anything,ever,even you ask them too. Few years ago I was too much judgmental kind of person,before meeting or knowing properly i used to make a basic idea of peoples character. I was wrong,i went wrong in many cases, hence,as a human nature 'the harder you fall,the more you will bounce back', I started to take time to know 'em. The truth is i have never been a big talkative person,i only talk much with those person whom I know very well. So,it was really hard to Socialize with people in a short of time. Actually i am the type of person who likes to sit lonely,cuddle up at home,sit by balcony and look out. But know days i hardly get anytime to do all of this my favorite stuff. reason is one and only office. No am not gonna curse it. O my god, Cant even try it,I love my work. that's it. Whenever i try to talk with people , because of my 'unpopular opinion',which has been deemed no fun, and failed. So it is me who have decided not to give people second chance to ignore me, I have completely rejected my judgmental mind, i try to talk with people normally, never expected to understand who are they,instead i open up in-front of them, and give them a chance to who i am.